
art by clowndots

If you don’t agree with/are against kinning, selfshipping, and more; you don’t have to be on my page.If you think I'm delusional, you're right. I am seeking help and avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms to the best of my ability. Unwarranted reality checks may be necessary if harm is being caused, but this is rarely ever a concern.I don’t care about doubles, just avoid me if I’m in a bad mood. Even then, I will usually not be present.I stay away from kin drama.
Do not interact if you use kinning to justify/excuse your actions.
Best friends are priority associations/tags.


IRLs. This is more intense than ID and has nothing to do with relatability; it is the result of an unlabled dissociative/identity issue.
These are characters who have become their own individuals separate from me. NOT A SYSTEM/PLURAL/OSDDID. Refrain from those terminology, please.

Kokichi Ouma (NDRV3)
Red Son (LMK)
Porty (LMK)
Kaede Akamatsu (NDRV3)
Yuri (DDLC)
Pre-game Kokichi (NDRV3) Select mute


ID : Identity. ID are a person’s core identity. They are me.Preferably limit interactions if we ID the same chars, but if we’re already friends idm. Just DNI specifically if in a bad mood.

Kokichi Ouma (NDRV3)
Red Son (LMK)
Mitsuba Sousuke (TBHK)
Yuri (DDLC)
Crona Gorgon (SE)


Characters I identify as. Not in any specific order.

Porty (LMK)
Twilight Sparkle (MLPFIM)
Lightbulb (II)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia)
Gregg Lee (NITW)
Lance McClain (VLD)
Test Tube (II)
Toko Fukawa (DR)
Akko Kagari (LWA)
Adrien Agreste (MLB)


Characters I identify with, not as.

Nico Niiyama (Kiznaiver)
Nickel (II)
Gen Asagiri (DRS)
Frisk (Undertale)
Susie (Deltarune)
Jenny (MLAATR)
Sock Sowachowski (W2H)
Vanya Hargreeves (TUA Comic)
Infected (RGVTR)
Bive (RGVTR)


Characters I identify as for SOLELY COPING/TRAUMA PURPOSES.

Kaede Azusagawa (BGS)


Characters I am questioning.

Starlight Glimmer (MLP)
Infected (RGVTR)
Bive (RGVTR)
Slice (PH)
Nickel (II)

Kin Assigns!

characters ppl see me as.

Arashi Narukami (Enstars)
Kanao Tsuyuri (KNY)
Andrew Kreiss (IDV)
Heathcliff (MHYK)
Alluka Zoldyck (HxH)
Devil (Urano000)
Karkat Vantas (Homestuck)
Devil Cookie (CR)
Nagisa Ran (Enstars)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Jinx (Arcane)
Vanya Hargreeves (TUA)
Jeff the Killer (CRP) ???💀
Nickel (II)
Balloon (II)

Comfort Characters.

I like interacting with cc kins. Feel free to interact. Not all my ccs are listed, just my mains.
These chars give me so much happiness and comfort.

Shuichi Saihara (NDRV3)
Nickel (II/BFDI)
Balloon (II)
Mei (LMK)
Four (BFDI)
Fan, Test tube, Paintbrush, Lightbulb (II)
Sunset Shimmer (MLP)
Pregame Shuichi/Kagehara (NDRV3)
Maka Albarn (SE)
Antauri (SRMTHFG!)
Jenny (MLAATR)
Gibson (SRMTHFG!)
Shuri Gata (PH)
Michael (LOTS*)
Senku Ishigami (DCST)
Lance McClain (VLD)
Matt Holt (VLD)

Comfort Dynamics.

Comfort ships & dynamics I love. Not all, just the important ones.

Saiouma/Oumasai (NDRV3) /r
Nickloon (II) /qp /r (potential) /p
Discodragon (LMK) /r /p
PolyBrightLights / PolyLights (II) /r /qp /p
FanTube (II) /r /qp /p
LightBrush (II) /r /qp /p
Chimera (LMK) /r /qp /p
DragonFruit (LMK) /r
MitsuKou (TBHK) /r
FourX (BFDI) /qp /r /p
TwiSet / SciSet (MLPEQG) /r /p
CroMaka (SE) /r /p
SenGen (DCST) /r

SodaScentPack (HFJONE) /qp? /r? /p
VialFile / CabTube (II) /qp? /r? /p
Klance /r
MK Clones (LMK) /p /familial
Goldendragon (LMK) /p /qp
Sashannarcy /p /r
TwoGaty /qp
FourXTwo /p /qp? /r??
Chiro, Gibson, Sparx, Otto, Nova, Antauri (SRMTHFG!) /p
HappyDuo / SkepHalo /p

Fictional Other(s)

Fictional partners.
I do not identify as fictosexual, just a selfshipper with a strong emotional attachment.

Shuichi Saihara (NDRV3) 💍 6/10/19
Mei Dragon (LMK)
Matthew Holt (VLD)

Shitlist /j

literally fuck u

Akane Aoi (TBHK) horse boy /lhj
Koga Oogami (Enstars) /lhj
Eichi Tenshouin (Enstars) /lhj
Kurapika (HxH) /lhj
Junko Enoshima (DR) /srs DNI if you stan/kin her.
Medusa Gorgon (SE) /srs Fans are fine, kin/ID dni.
Kagehara (NDRV3 Fanon) /hj Respectfully, Kins/IDs avoid me.
Tsukasa Yugi (TBHK) Fans fine, kins iffy unless close..


Yep.... otherkin bullshit.

Entity… Thing.

oh no

My IDs are literally me, they are me in the fiction and I am them in the literal flesh. I would rather not interact with doubles of these chars unless I explicitly tell you you're fine, as they are literally me and it makes me incredibly uncomfortable when people say they are me.

Kokichi Ouma (NDRV3)★★★
Bit stupid, incredibly silly. Didn't ask for this one. I hate the impression this leaves on literally everyone after they find out I'm Kokichi because of the dumb misconception given off by the million migraine-inducing ridiculous imposter kins. I am Kokichi Ouma in the literal fucking flesh, I am so tired of the "I'm Kokichi" quirky eggheads who only kin him because they need to get edgy quirky silly points and because "omg gay boy uwu saiouma!" and cause problems on purpose for no reason other than being an annoying shithead piece of ass. You aren't Kokichi, you're a probably white 13-year-old with too much time on your hands living in an upper-middle-class type suburban neighborhood drinking monster with your friends for a thrill, looking for a "unique" identity to latch onto and adopt as your own because you've no fucking idea who you really are. You aren't being silly funny for acting like a lunatic gaybie on drugs, you're just FUCKING UNBEARABLE.
And now that that's out of my system.
You're not Kokichi Ouma, because I am Kokichi Ouma. And there is only one of me.
And you don't have a clue what any of what I've been through is like, and for you to pretend that you do is so silly of you. I hope you feel silly. I hope you reflect, because I am so sure that you haven't been stuck in a life or death situation all on your lonesome, confused and scared, fucked up over every little chime alarm sound that even remotely resembles that godforsaken fucking alert that's left you with the most ridiculous PTSD reaction and triggers. To constantly feel on edge of life or death, like you're walking a fine tightrope for the world to see. Do you KNOW the pit of anxiety and paranoia and fear and distrust that courses my body? Do you SEE every alternative ending route in every situation, think up back up plans upon back up plans, keep it all in to yourself and never trust a single fucking soul or you know it'll be your downfall. Your sick, disgusting, twisted fucking inevitable downfall. You don't get it, do you? And you never will. That's a good thing. I hope you never have to. I hope you never have to understand an ounce of my constant looking over my shoulder, constant carefully choosing my words, wearing a mask, putting up a front, trying to figure it all out and stay in one piece behind everyone's backs, having no one to turn to, no past to look back on but fuzzy memories repressed in the back of your head that you aren't even sure you can trust YOURSELF because those memories don't feel real. You don't know what's real and what isn't. You don't even know if you are. But you'll do fucking anything to end the nightmare, you'll guide them all in the right direction even if it means putting yourself in the spotlight as the world's target. If that's what needs to be done, then so be it. If what the people need is someone to lead the way because they're all too damn scared to, to be honest, to say what's really on their minds, to do the things nobody else has the guts to do, then it's me. It's me till the very end. Even if I'm alone in doing so.
Mitsuba Sousuke (TBHK) ★★
Sousuke Mitsuba is literally me, I am literally Mitsuba fucking Sousuke. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable when people say they're Mitsuba. You aren't, because I am. I don't need another identity crisis caused by another copycat pasted imitator version of me, I've already got enough of an identity crisis on my hands. And stop whittling me down to be just a fucking token gay angsty ghost boy, that's so incredibly infuriating when there is more to me than being some hyper-feminized guy and whoever I fucking like and the bad shit that's happened to me. The sheer lack of everyone's ability to properly portray who I really am beyond gay, feminine, sensitive, and pity-puppy characteristics, really goes to show that you have no idea who I am in the slightest and only numb me down to be some handful of incredibly offensive and thoughtless stereotypes.
You've no idea what it's like to lose yourself so fucking young and to barely even snap back into existence feeling more confused than ever before about who you are and your entire existence as a whole. You've no idea what it's like to feel like you've taken the place of someone else that once inhabited your body, like this body should physically be you, but you know that it isn't because someone lived here before you showed up and you guess you're the intruder really, and you've got SOME idea who they are because they're supposed to be you, you guess, but you two aren't the same. Even though you are. You share the same quirks, behaviors, face, voice, body, and all. But who you are at the core isn't quite the same. Like looking in a mirror of your soul and there being small little differences. You don't know what it's like to feel like an imposter of yourself. To know you, and NOT know you at the same time.
Yuri (DDLC) ★★
I am Yuri, I am Yuri in person and I apologize so deeply for it. There is nothing I've done with the intent of just being a dick for no reason, I don't like the conflict and I never do and never have. I don't mean to cause any problem by saying so, but I can't stand the thought of other people thinking they are me when you are the same people who call me a "yandere" when I am so very obviously not. It's incredibly insulting and frustrating to hear.
Crona Gorgon (SE)
Lots of Crona kinnies and I am so so sorry I don't say this with the intent of invalidating anyone else because you're all incredibly valid, but none of them are actually Crona like I am. Crona is me in the literal blood. I would rather not get into it, but please be respectful of my wish to not be around other Cronas. Don't mention it around me, either, please.
Marcy Wu (Amphibia)
I AM. MARCY WU. IRL. She's me, like they studied me and made a character based on me. Everything about Marcy is part of me down to the T, and while I am fine with other Marcy-identifiers, I guess, it's up to a point. I am Marcy Wu, and I'd rather not be surrounded by clones of me but I get that it might happen. Bit weird, bit uncomfortable, I'll probably just step away from doubles, but just know I'm Marcy Wu. :)